
Citation Et Al Example

Use the first writer listed on the source material. In the APA format et al. Apa Citation Style Dicas De Redacao Escrita Academica Habilidades De Escrita To format an in-text citation. . Only include the first authors last. For 2-6 authors list all. The abbreviation et al replaces author names in. For a source with seven. If the number of authors is four or more only the first authors name is used followed by et al italicised which is Latin for and others. Use the first writers last name. In-text citation structure and example. The abbreviation et al meaning and others is used to shorten APA in-text citations with three or more authors. The phrase et al is used with in-text citations including APA parenthetical citations only when referencing a source that has three or more. Follow the last name with et al. For example instead of writing Smith et al an author might use Smith et al or even ...

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